Liver MRI FAQs
There are many reasons why your doctor may have requested this test. Before your procedure, your doctor will explain to you why they ordered the imaging and what they are looking for.
There will be a four hour fast before your appointment time for this MRI scan.Â
You will be asked to change into a gown during the procedure, so we recommend wearing clothes that are easy to remove.
When you arrive, our reception staff will go through some questions with you to reconfirm your booking details.
So our team can perform your scan safely and effectively, you are required to complete a patient safety questionnaire and change into a gown which we will provide. You will also be asked to remove any jewellery, hearing aids, dentures and any other loose items. Your belongings will be safely stored for you during your examination.
In most cases we will insert an intravenous (IV) line into your arm to administer a contrast called Primovist which is specific for Liver MRI’s. Primovist is a magnetic liquid that alters the way tissue appears, showing abnormalities that may not be visible using MRI alone. Sometimes another contrast called Gadolinium will be used for certain types of indications. When the contrast is injected, sometimes a slight smell or taste may occur and this is completely normal. It is important to tell the staff if you have had any form of reaction to MRI contrast before. Throughout the procedure, you will be required to remain still in order to capture the images and you will be asked to hold your breath for short periods.
You will be required to lie down on your back on the MRI bed and a hard-formed piece of plastic known as a coil will be placed over your lower chest and abdomen and usually you will enter the MRI head first for this scan.
Once everything is in position, the MRI radiographer will leave the room and the bed will move slowly into the scanner so you are positioned in the machine.
The scan will last approximately 30 minutes and you will be required to lay still during this time because any movement can blur the images.
Rarely, as with all intravenous injections, there is a small chance of an allergic reaction. Most reactions are mild and result in hives or itching. If any sort of reaction does occur our staff are trained and on hand to manage this reaction.
Please let us know at the time of booking if you are pregnant.
If you have any concerns regarding your MRI, please speak to one of our staff.
How much will it cost?
Fees for radiology procedures will vary depending on a variety of factors. We will advise you about the cost of your service at the time of booking but if you do have any questions, contact us and one of our team will be happy to help with your query. You can read more about our billing information here.
How do I access my images?
At Queensland X-Ray, we provide our patients with their images and results online. To access your images and results, you’ll need to register for an account when you visit one of our practices. If you’ve already registered, you can access the Patient Portal here.