A new partnership with Queensland X-Ray and CQUniversity will bring the Bachelor of Medical Imaging to Cairns and Far North Queensland (FNQ), addressing local workforce shortages by training radiographers who will work in the region after graduation. This initiative depends on a $27.5 million bipartisan commitment at the upcoming Federal election to expand CQUniversity’s Cairns campus, including a new wing with dedicated medical imaging teaching spaces.
CQUniversity Vice-Chancellor Professor Nick Klomp emphasised the university’s commitment to responding to regional healthcare needs, noting the strain on medical imaging services in FNQ due to workforce shortages. “Provided we secure a $27.5M commitment from an incoming government to increase the capacity of the new campus, we will be able to launch the foundation years of the Bachelor of Medical Imaging in Cairns from 2026 through a partnership with Queensland X-Ray,” Professor Klomp said.
The university has already started enhancing healthcare training in the region, adding Physiotherapy to Cairns last year, with Occupational Therapy and Exercise Physiology programs to follow as part of the new campus development.
Jamie Byrnes, Chief Operating Officer of Queensland X-Ray, stressed the importance of growing a local medical imaging workforce, saying regional areas face unique challenges in attracting and retaining healthcare professionals. “This partnership with CQUniversity is a crucial step toward developing a pipeline of highly skilled medical imaging professionals in the Far North. We fully support CQUniversity’s call for a $27.5 million Federal Government investment to make this a reality,” said Mr Byrnes.
CQUniversity currently offers the medical imaging course at its Mackay campus, where students gain the skills to provide safe and accurate diagnostic imaging in a variety of clinical environments. For more details on the course, visit the CQUniversity website.
For more information on the course offering please visit the Bachelor of Medical Imaging course page on the CQUniversity website.

“This partnership with CQUniversity is a crucial step toward developing a pipeline of highly skilled medical imaging professionals in the Far North. We fully support CQUniversity’s call for a $27.5 million Federal Government investment to make this a reality.”