Outback Rowing Australia is built on a team of rowing enthusiasts committed to assembling a critical visible mass of positive role models present in sustained numbers within rural communities so that over time locally minted role models emerge to become wellbeing influencers in their communities. We believe that organized sport, such as rowing, provides the scaffolding and social platform to encourage and allow a broader population to enjoy the virtues of sport and foster strong community bonds and social involvement.
The 2023 Australian Outback Rowing Regatta will once again be making its way to Barcaldine and Longreach on the 16th and 17th September. This event provides a unique opportunity to foster participation and engagement with local rowing clubs while also promoting tourism in remote and rural areas. The event aims to share the importance of health in rural communities, both physically and mentally and the benefits, a team sport such as rowing can have.
Queensland X-Ray is proud to be supporting rowing enthusiasts in this rural community.
For more information about this event please click here.