North Burleigh Nippers has grown close to 600 Nippers over the past 8 years. Their program is based on P.R.I.D.E Participation, Respect, Inclusion, Development and Enthusiasm. These 5 pillars of values are an important focus for their members. They aren’t just about competition but also inscribing a values system to develop the child as well as ocean safety.
“It’s been a great journey to not only be one of the biggest clubs in QLD but also a competition machine. Our competitors have a great attitude and the smiling faces and cheers they offer each other are reward enough. It’s a credit to the passionate, experienced and dedicated parents we are lucky to have right now. Many thanks to QLD X-Ray for their support.”
Queensland X-Ray have supported the nippers by sponsoring them for the 2020 Nipper Season, enabling them to purchase Marquees to keep the nippers sun safe whilst on the beach!